Archive | May, 2015

Google Has Replaced Matt Cutts

26 May

It looks like Matt Cutts has been officially replaced as the head of web spam at Google. We don’t know who his replacement is, and we might not anytime soon, but the company has confirmed his replacement nevertheless.

In July, it will be the one-year anniversary of when Cutts announced he was taking leave from Google. It was originally supposed to last at least through the following October. At the time, he wrote on his personal blog:

I wanted to let folks know that I’m about to take a few months of leave. When I joined Google, my wife and I agreed that I would work for 4-5 years, and then she’d get to see more of me. I talked about this as recently as last month and as early as 2006. And now, almost fifteen years later I’d like to be there for my wife more. I know she’d like me to be around more too, and not just physically present while my mind is still on work.

So we’re going to take some time off for a few months. My leave starts next week. Currently I’m scheduled to be gone through October. Thanks to a deep bench of smart engineers and spam fighters, the webspam team is in more-than-capable hands. Seriously, they’re much better at spam fighting than I am, so don’t worry on that score.


8 Types of Rich Media to Share on Google+

14 May

Why Rich Media on Google+

Many social media users, especially those on mobile, don’t want to leave the platform they’re on. With rich media, your audience can enjoy your attention-grabbing content without leaving the platform.acme

#1: YouTube Videos

 #2: GIFs and Cinemagraphs

 #3: Auto Awesome Photos

 #4: Google+ Stories

 #5: Audio

 #6: Images and Infographics

 #7: Rich Link Shares

 #8: Live Streaming Video

8 Types of Rich Media to Share on Google+

Google Panda Update Over The Weekend?

5 May

On Friday, we reported some early chatter around a Google update possibly kicking off Friday morning.

Well, as expected, it seems to have heated up over the weekend. Not only has the chatter spiked up a lot, so have some of the automated Google tracking tools.

Many folks are thinking it is somewhat related to Panda but it is not clear yet. The ongoing Webmaster World thread has chatter starting May 1st through today, here are some comments: